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The Bodyscapes – Værkvisning af Sirkku Rosi (FIDA)
september 28, 2020 @ 14:00 – 18:00

FABRIKKENs nuværende resident i FIDA-programmet, Sirkku Rosi fra Finland, viser værker i sit atelier mandag d. 28. september mellem kl. 14-18. Arrangementet er gratis og alle er velkomne.Arrangementet er gratis, men kræver tilmelding pr. email på mb@ffkd.dk. Der vil være begrænset antal pladser til værkvisningen.
Vi følger myndighedernes anbefalinger i forhold til COVID-19 og sørger for god afstand og masser af håndsprit.
På dagen vil Rosi fremvise og fortælle om de værker som er blevet til under hendes tid på FABRIKKEN. Hendes malerier er inspireret af naturen og det kropslige, og det er netop her hun finder de naturlige materialer, som hun blandt andet bruger til at skabe akvarelfarver der imiterer naturens vildskab og kroppens ynde. Med afsæt i hverdagens rituelle absurditeter, skaber Rosi værker der hylder kroppen, kødet og det levede liv.
Værksvisningen finder sted i Atelier nr. 16 på FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, Sundholmsvej 46, 2300 København S.
Du kan finde en fuld, engelsk beskrivelse af begivenheden og Sirkku Rosis praksis herunder.
The Bodyscapes – a work presentation by Sirkku Rosi
Resident Sirkku Rosi presents works produced during her residency in Copenhagen. Rosi, whose practice is centered around watercolor and performance, will be present. It is free to attend, however you will need to sign up via email at mb@ffkd.dk, as attendance will be limited.
We follow the official COVID-19 guidelines and will make sure to keep our distance and provide plenty of hand sanitizer.
Sirkku Rosi’s watercolors are not your average watercolor. Rosi explores the flesh inside and out, from the skin to the internal organs, with a fascination for the closeup and a virtuous handling of her medium.
Natural circuits and connectedness inform her practice, where rocks are considered vibrant parts of the universal organism. Individually rendered, these rocks take on the guise of a liver or a heart and link with the large-scale renderings of bodies, which in turn read as landscapes or, in Rosi’s words, bodyscapes.
“During lockdown I was wandering in the Finnish nature. Now I’m wandering in the body” says Sirkku, whose performative practice feeds into her paintings. Every rendered position is performed by the artist or by models, lending the works an accuracy and a presence, which is accentuated by the naturalistic palette.
Leaves, flowers, and branches grow into and out of body orifices, urine fertilizes the soil. Titles like Recreation, Pissing up the Sky, and Bloom give a faint hint of a playful framing of the works.
Sirkku Rosi’s works can be viewed between 2 and 6 pm on Monday 28 September at Fonden FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, studio no. 16.
Sirkku Rosi (b. 1987, Tampere) holds an MA from Aalto University School of Arts and Design. She lives and works in Tampere, Finland. Rosi is a guest in the FIDA residency programme, which was established in 2019 in collaboration between The Finnish Cultural Institute in Denmark and Fonden FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design.
Excerpt from the FIDA residency jury motivation:
“Rosi undoubtedly masters her media, which is particularly evident in the watercolors where the motifs are executed virtuosically. Through her unique treatment of body and flesh in watercolor and performance, Rosi manages to achieve a unique expression that is entirely her own. In her own words, her works are a diminutive carnival of flesh, where everyday rituals are explored with a keen sense of the absurd. The result is a body-positive ode to the flesh and to lived life.”